Monday, May 18, 2020

The Impact Of Early Sports On Sports - 791 Words

Early specialization in a single sport has become increasingly popular. Early sports specialization can be defined as year-round training in a specific sport with the exclusion of other sports at a young age. Youth are influenced and often encouraged to participate in one specific sport, with the hopes of increasing their chances of being successful in that sport. With the money in college and professional sports increasing the need to train children to compete at a high level has increased. Young athletes often practice or play their specific sport throughout a large majority of the year. In some soccer academies, sports specialization training can begin as early as kindergarten age. The training last throughout the year academic school year, with tournaments during the summer months. The day to day training may last several hours each day. Some in the sports community find sports specialization to reflect a highly developed society and see the skill acquisition and enhancement as beneficial to success in each sport; Being labeled as gifted, the potential for a collegiate athletic scholarship; or making a varsity, elite, or even professional-level team. Hecimovich, M. (2004). There are numerous benefits of early sports specialization due to the amount of practice of the sport specific skill. Early specificity enhances motor skills and increases body awareness. The more time you spend practicing proper mechanics, the better you are going to be at that specific sport.Show MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Youth Sports On Early Specialization Vs. Diversification1234 Words   |  5 PagesThe Impact of Youth Sports: Early Specialization vs. Diversification Eight-year-old Myzel Miller looks like a football phenom as he runs down the field displaying speed and elusiveness that is far superior to his teammates. 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