Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Robert Frosts Life and Accomplishments - 1244 Words

â€Å"In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.† After a lifetime of ups and downs, Robert Frost said this quote. Most of his poems already shared his message, that life is not as easy as it may first appear to be. He used the simplicity of nature and vernacular speech to give his poems a casual mood, though underneath they display a much deeper meaning of life. These poems help to show people just some of the difficult things that will be faced in life, despite everything done to prevent them from happening. In particular, his poems â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay,† â€Å"Fire and Ice,† and â€Å"Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening,† incorporate this meaning into them while on the surface, they seem like just simple poems†¦show more content†¦During his residency, he was able to publish two books of poems, â€Å"A Boy’s Will† and â€Å"North Of Boston.† Frost moved back to the U.S. on ce World War I began to start, and there, was then able to publish more works. Modern American Poetry says that his life was pretty mild up until the 1930’s, where a number of tragedies occurred in succession. First, in 1934, his youngest daughter Marjorie fell ill to puerperal fever and died from it. Then in 1938, Elinor, his wife, died of a heart attack. Finally at the end of the decade, in 1940, his son Carol committed suicide. These tragedies leaked into his book of poems, â€Å"A Witness Tree† quite significantly, though Frost felt the book contained some of his greatest pieces (The Oxford Companion). Meanwhile, Frost’s poetry was continually gaining in popularity, and he won numerous awards for his works. Robert Frost died in January, 1963, but his poetry lived on and continued to teach the world the lessons and hardships he had experienced in his lifetime. Frost’s poem, â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay† is a very easy and brief read, but it provokes the mind to think about the good things in life in a different way. Upon first reading this poem, it seems like Frost is just writing about how nature’s beauty is always changing. If looked into more, though, it can be interpreted as relating to life. Frost used nature’s constant shift in seasons as a symbol that nothing good in life willShow MoreRelatedRobert Frost s Writing Style1589 Words   |  7 Pages Robert Frost once said, â€Å"The figure a poem makes. 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